Highlights Of Clan Moffat Society 2003 AGM
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
August 29, 2003

(Note that these are NOT the Official Minutes)

To All Members:

  • The meeting was held at the Days Inn – Calgary West at 2:00PM.
  • Dr. Charles L. Moffatt, III gave the invocation.
  • Commander George G. Moffat gave a greeting from Chief Madam Jean Moffat of that Ilk.
  • Roseanne Moffatt presented the Flowers of the Forest:
    • Omar LeRoy Moffitt (526) Redmond, Oregon (2/14/03)
    • Vera Alberta (Moffatt) McLennan (1052) Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, Canada (4/19/03)
    • John W. Moffat (842) Buffalo, New York (1/18/03)
    • Judith Robinson Paska, wife of Terry Paska (748) Round Hill, Virginia (8/03/03)
  • Minutes of 2002 AGM were accepted as published in the Moffatana.
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Beginning Year Balance (7/01/02) $12,093.32
    • Net Gain (Loss) For Year (6/30/03) (9,748.42)*
    • End of Year Balance (6/30/03) 2,344.90
    • Life/Patron Fund 13,550.00
    • Total Assets $15,894.90
    • (* Note Directory Expense was $9,511.94)
  • Executive Council Reports were given.
  • Old Business:
    • George G. Moffat gave a report on the “Moffat Foundation”.
      • The Directors (of the Moffat Foundation) established a General Purpose Fund with the following guidelines:
        • All requests for grants must be submitted in writing.
        • Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
      • Treasurer reported Contributions $1,285.00, Expenses $60.01, Net Total $1,224.99.
      • There was no action taken on a Memorial for E. Albert Moffett.
    • Bylaws Changes - There were a number of bylaws changes that were presented for approval. - Most are technical to correct errors or improve language. All bylaws changes will be published in the Moffatana. (An updated complete set of bylaws will be made available from this web site in due course.
    • David W. Moffett reviewed plans for the 2004 AGM in Costa Mesa, California, Memorial Day weekend.
  • New Business:
    • A Committee was appointed to work on the details of the 2005 AGM in Moffat, Scotland.
    • A Proposal was made, and accepted, to have the 2006 AGM in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Robert A. Moffatt gave the Nominating Committee Report. Donald W. Moffatt respectfully, withdrew his name for President for a second term. Nominations were requested from the floor. Robert A. Moffatt was nominated for President, and accepted.
    • There was a unanimous vote cast for the following slate of officers:
      • President Robert A. Moffatt (86)
      • Vice President Richard H. Moffett (1219)
      • Treasurer David W. Moffett (442)
      • Member -at- Large (USA) Lariene Treat (704).
  • Adjourned 4:45PM.

Donald W. Moffatt, Immediate past President

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