Pictures Of Clan Moffat Annual Meeting and VSGA Highland Games

The 1999 Clan Moffat Annual Meeting was held in Alexandria Virginia 23-25 July. The Weekend started with a gathering at Dick and Chris Badger's house in Vienna, VA on Friday evening. The Virginia Scottish Games Association's (VSGA) annual highland games were on Saturday and Sunday, with Clan Moffat as a featured Clan.

Remember you can click on a photo to see it in a larger size.

The social time and meeting on Friday evening was held at Dick and Chris Badger's house - complete with the new Banner made by Laura Moffett-Grady. Barbeques are warming up.
We were able to get some shelter from the oppressive heat under the large trees in Badger's Lot.
John Moffat (Nova Scotia) and Lisa Christensen (Genealogistesse) pose in front of the Clan Moffat Tent at the VSGA event on Saturday morning, before we had to evacuate the area due to a thunderstorm warning.
Due to heat, and/or rain, or food (yum) the tent was rather crowded at times.
Then President George Moffat enjoying the shade.
It must be Lunch Time.
As mentioned already, we had to evacuate the Clan Area, so George decided to use the opportunity to hold the Annual General Meeting. The building we were assigned was not air conditioned, so it became an outdoor meeting.
Quiet - Meeting in Progress.
Chuck, George and Lariene conspiring on how to get more games convened.
Dick Badger, Commander Al, and Incoming President Chuck pose in their finery.
The Table in the Corner for the dinner. Paul Moffett (Clan Directory Paul) back left, Laura Moffett-Grady (Membership Secretary) back center. Lisa Christensen (Genealogistesse) forground. Roger Moffat (Genealogist) behind the camera.
Commander Al swearing in the new Office Bearers for the upcoming Year. Left to Right Commander Al, President Chuck Lineberry, Vice President Don Moffatt, Treasurer Dick Badger, Secretary Marjory Maffitt Hones, Member at Large Robert A Moffatt.
Getting ready for the Parade of Clans on Sunday morning.
The Moffats passing in front of Commander Al on the Viewing Platform.
Leaving the Stadium
The March back to the Clan Tent.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

Photos taken by Roger Moffat using an Epson PhotoPC 700 digital camera.

All images Copyright © Roger Moffat 1999

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