Pictures Of Fergus Scottish Festival 13-15 August 1999

Clan Moffat was one of 3 featured Clans at the Fergus, Ontario Scottish Festival on 13 - 15 August.

The Tattoo on Friday night was interupted by "the mother of all thunderstorms", but after a delay of not too long over an hour the programme resumed while Technicians scrambled to get the lights and sound system working.

Remember you can click on a photo to see it in a larger size.

This board was at the entrance to "The Avenue of the Clans" showing the featured Clans, and others in attendance.
Kevin and Thomas getting ready to lead the Clan out for the Clan Parade.
President Chuck making sure everything and everyone is lined up ready to go.
On the March
Waiting our turn to enter the arena.
This pipe band (sorry I don't know which one in particular) followed us out after the Clan Parade.
The Clan Moffat tent in The Avenue of the Clans.
Some of us just finishing up lunch at the table just by the Canadian Angus Beef (YUM!!!!!!!) seller's stand.
Dinner on Saturday night - thanks for arranging that Joni.
Travel Al, Commander Al, Marcia, Reverend Charles and his wife.
President Chuck getting a record of the Table of Fare - it was delicious - roast beef again.
We were entertained after dinner by recitals from Robert Burns and another book of poetry - "Cuddle Doon".
Melissa also entertained with 3 demonstrations of Highland Dancing - this on the Chantreuse (I think).
The East Coast Canadian Navy were on hand to perform the "Naval Gun Run" several times, including on Friday night after the Thunderstorm when the grass was wet and slippery, and so was all their equipment. They are getting the rig ready for a demo run to show each stage of the operation, which is to move a naval gun on carriage over a cliff, across a river to the other side, reassemble it and fire it.
The front carriage (limber) is over the cliff and behind it the front of the gun carriage is raised ready to flip it up and over.
All parts of the gun are disassembled while the rigging is set across the river. The long pole was used to swing the first sailors over the river to get the wire cable pulled over.
Tensioning the cable, the first two wheels and their carriers are ready to cross.
The wheels are partway across, and the cannon barrell is being moved into position ready to cross.
The barrell is attached, the next set of wheels moved into position and the limber is ready to be taken to the cable for its trip across.
Second set of wheels about to leave (they weight 170 pounds each) while two sailors move the limber up to the wire.
The limber ready to cross.
Now they've got it all to the other side, assembled it, and fired the gun, they have to reverse the process and bring all the peices back to the starting side - here comes the main gun carriage and 4 sailors.
Assemblinlg the cannon barrell to the carriage and wheels while other parts are coming over.
All items back to the starting side the gun is fired again.
Whew - after all that activity Lisa needed a freeze squeezed lemonade.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

Photos taken by Roger Moffat using an Epson PhotoPC 700 digital camera.

All images Copyright © Roger Moffat 1999

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