Evening Six - Executive Dinner and "local" Entertainment

On the Thursday evening, the Clan Moffat Society Executive met for a dinner at Moffat House Hotel, followed by an evening of entertainment in the Town Hall provided by William Williamson and others.

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Treasurer Dick Badger with Lisa. Commander Al keeps and eye on proceedings in the background. Commander Al, George H Moffat (Editor of Moffatana) and Dick Badger. Some of us seated at the dining table "ready to go".
Looking to the other end of the dining table. President Chuck is picking up the tab. The dessert was delicious. Madam Jean at head of table, her husband Robin to her left. President Chuck proposes a toast.
Ken and Don Moffat with wives. Piper Laurie gives the first public playing of "Major Moffat" - a tune written by President Chuck Lineberry in memory of Frances Moffat, Madam Jean's father. Coffee afterwards. President Chuck Lineberry, Command Al Moffett and (seated) Vice President Don Moffat.
Lisa Christensen Moffat in her newly acquired Moffat Kilt. Roger had ordered a kilt at the Moffat Woollen Mill this very day, but it was to be shipped to the US after it was made. Here he (I) is wearing it on Halloween - the first time I'd worn the kilt and jacket together. On the Thursday evening we were VERY well entertained in the Moffat Town Hall by William Williamson (on drums) 15 year old Gavin on the bagpipes and (name forgotten) on the piano accordian.
Gavin piping William Williamson in for the second part of the entertainment. Lisa Christensen and Roger Moffat outside the Town Hall after the entertainment. A nearly full moon is just rising over our shoulders. (Imageine me wearing my kilt outfit - I'd paid for it already!!) Al Yougel who had made this whole trip possible for all of us through his tireless work showed why he's Jack of "Al" Trades - here behind the bar at Moffat House Hotel.
A few minutes later he appears at the front desk of the Moffat House Hotel to give Don Moffat his room keys.

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All photos © 2000 by Roger Moffat

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.