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Clan Moffat Society AGM
Moffat, Scotland: 5 - 8 August 2010

The Clan Moffat Society AGM for 2010 will be held in Moffat, Scotland from 5 - 8 August 2010. It is being held in conjuction with the Clan Moffat UK group, and they are making the arrangements for activities and events during these 4 days.

A form to register for this can be found here. NOTE - 20 July 2010 - Time is running out - if you are still planning to go to Scotland, but haven't yet paid for any of the events listed below, please send me an eMail to let me know!!!

Thursday 5 August 2010

Reiver Tour
0915  Leave Moffat
1020  Arrive at Gilnockie Tower for a 1:20 visit
1200  Leave Gilnockie
1250  Picnic Lunch along the way
1350  Arrive at Hermitage for 1 hour visit
1630  Arrive back in Moffat, in plenty of time to get ready for the Chief's Reception.
There will be a charge of £20 plus £5 for lunch per person. If you don't want a provided lunch, you should make your own arrangements to have a lunch to bring with you.
Evening  Chief's Reception at Moffat House Hotel. There is a charge of £6 to cover the costs.

Friday 6 August 2010

Morning  Trips to Sites of interest to the Moffat family - Annandale (including the overlook to the Devil's Beef-Tub), the Auldtoun, the Moffat Well, Moffat estates in Moffatdale (Craigbeck, Polmoodie, Bodesbeck) the Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall. Duration 3 hours. £10 per person.
Afternoon  Free time
Evening  Ceilidh at Moffat House Hotel. There is a charge of £10 to cover the costs.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Symposium - Moffat Lore
9:00   George Moffat  Chairman's Welcome.
9:10   Jean Moffat of that Ilk  Clan Chief's Address.
9:20   Peter Beck Samuels  Moffat Town Hall Re-development Project.
9:30   Gill Hanham  The Devil's Beeftub and the Borders Forest Trust.
9:50   Jim Storrar  The Moffat Miscellany Project.
10:10   Alistair Moffat  REIVERS.
10:50   Coffee.
11:15   Stephen Moffatt  Moffatts and Lead Mining in Cumberland.
11:35   David Burns Moffat  Life and Death in Rural Dumfriesshire.
11:55   David Elliott  Archibald Moffatt's House in Moffat.
12:15   Marion Carlin  The Heirs of (Missionary) Robert Moffat.
12:40   Leslie Moffat  Moffat Heraldry.
13:00   Finis.
2 PM - ?   AGM for the Clan Moffat UK and Clan Moffat Society at the Proudfoot Institute.
Evening   To be Advised.


Sunday 8 August 2010

Morning  Parade to the Church.
Afternoon  Visits of groups of people to Corehead Farm and the Devil's Beef-Tub
to see the work of the Borders Forest Trust. £5 bus fee plus £5 for admission to Corehead per person. If you have a car you can probably avoid the £5 bus fee.
Evening  To be Advised.

A form will be available shortly for you to download and fill out to send along with payment for these various activities. Those who have registered will be advised by eMail.

Travel Notes

It has been indicated that most individuals planning to attend will be making their own arrangements for travel to and from Moffat, including air travel to Scotland, and for their stay in Moffat. A list of accommodations in Moffat can be found here and here.

If you need help with travel and/or accomodation you can contact your local travel agent, or

 Nazy Yazdi
 Saturn Express Travel
 (703) 998-5522
 Al Yougel
 Atlanta Company Travel
 (404) 255-8323
 (404) 291-8002 (Cell)

There are no plans being made by Clan Moffat Society for either before or after trips and tours around England/Scotland. If you wish to extend your stay either before and/or after you should make these arrangements yourself, or with a travel agent.


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